Me, Myself & I.

An Art Director of Infographics for print & interactive. A doer. A problem solver. A mean smoothie maker. Breaking Bad obsessor. Brooklyn based. Connoisseur and cooker of fine 5 meat loaf type things. Curious one. Designer of things. East Coast born and raised (but went out to
Portland, OR for a stint). For hire for your next project...we could go through the alphabet, but let's keep it brief....not a Xylophone or a Zebra. 

Fun Things I've Done.

One half of a dynamic art team duo for 30 Point (2017-now), Worked through the crazy news cycle during the 2016 elections year at TIME magazine (2016), Researched & Art Directed infographics & designed loads of pages for Bloomberg Markets Mag, print, iPad & web (2011-2015)
Designed for Bon Appetit Mag (NYC, 2011), ESPN Mag (NYC, 2008-2011)
Created branding campaigns & slung advertising for ID Branding (2005-2007, Portland)

Pretty Great Nods

Society of Publication Designers Annual, Communication Arts Annual, Print Annual, Best American Infographics 2015 (Mariner Books),
Boxed & Labelled (Gestalten), Design Elements, Color Fundamentals (Rockport), Rosey Awards

Thanks for visiting! Say hello anytime.
Check out the full CV.